Course curriculum

    1. 01 Course Overview

    1. What Are Managed Services Cheat Sheet

    2. VIDEO LESSON 2: What are Managed Services

    3. WRITTEN LESSON 2: What Are Managed Services

    4. Review: What Are Managed Services?

    1. The MSP Business Model: Cheat Sheet

    2. VIDEO LESSON 3: The MSP Business Model

    3. WRITTEN LESSON 3: The MSP Business Model

    4. Review: The MSP Business Model

    1. Overview of the IT Channel Cheat Sheet

    2. 04 Overview of the IT Channel

    3. WRITTEN LESSON 4: Overview of the IT Channel

    4. Review: Overview of the IT Channel

    1. Important Service Metrics Cheat Sheat

    2. 05 Important Service Metrics

    3. WRITTEN LESSON 5: Understanding the Business - Important Service Metrics

    4. Review Service Metrics

    5. Important Sales Metrics Cheat Sheet

    6. 06 Important Sales Metrics

    7. WRITTEN LESSON 6: Understanding the Business - Important Sales Metrics

    8. Review: Important Sales Metrics

    9. 07 How is Money Made_

    10. 08 Agreement Profitability

    1. 09 MSP Sales Funnel

    2. 10 The MSP Sales Process

    3. 11 The Importance of Qualification

About this course

  • Free
  • 32 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content

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